domingo, 25 de enero de 2015


1. The second issues is First Conditional explain. Here we show a video where we explain some rules you can used an examples.

2. After you´ve seen the video and undestood, you can do the followinf exercises to reinforece learnig. Good luck.

a) Do you remember this movie? Write in a notebook the sentence.

b) Identifies the players that come in the following song:

3) Answer in your notebool the following exercises:

a) Complete

b) Look this comic.


domingo, 18 de enero de 2015


1.The first issue is the Zero Conditional explain. Here we show a video where we explain some rules you have used and examples.

2. After you´ve seen the video and undestood, you can do the following exercises to reinforce learning. Good luck.

     a)  Listen Carefully the next song and                                                                                          
      identifies zero conditional sentences. Write in a

b) Before viewing the following video listens attentively
   previous song, here is the lyrics os the song.  
   Compare them with those that have found.

c) Answers in your notebook the following exercises.

We ended up with zero conditional topic, i hope you have helped our activities an tutorials. Continuing with our fun vocabulary.